Nothing to Say…. oh, wait..

I have a lot less to say these days. It seems that writing comes easy when I need to vent or work something out. I’ve arrived at a pretty good place. One thing, though – I know better than to take it for granted. Life is unpredictable and can change in a nanosecond. So, while I’m not worrying unnecessarily, I am keeping an eye on the road ahead. But I’m also enjoying the scenery and allowing myself to breathe easy, for a change.

Two years ago, I was in the midst of recreating my life. Looking back, I don’t know how I survived January – March of 2017 without requiring hospitalization – or, at the very least – medication. At some point, I shifted modes, from survive to thrive. The rest is history. I have living space that has become home, a dream job and a really nice relationship. My writing and my music remain important parts of my life. My kids are nearby and doing well. My grandson, despite being a middle schooler, still wants to hang out with Nana. And, of course, I have amazing friends.

While I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions, there are some goals I’ve recently set for myself. I’m learning to be less ‘all or nothing’ in my thinking, so the approach is less intense than in the past. I want to improve my health. The cataract surgery that I’ve been putting off and making excuses about for the past two years is happening this month. I’m eating better food (and less of it). I’m drinking less wine. I’m moving more. Over the past weekend, I went bowling and for a short walk. Nothing drastic – I am setting myself up to succeed. 

I’m keeping an eye on the future, but I’ve been shown that things have a way of working out – even if it’s nothing like you planned. I’ve also learned that it’s not guaranteed, so time and energy spent should never distract you from the present. And, right now, my present is pretty damned good.

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